Mini skirt which represented this style and rock music have the same policy: "rebellion against old rules." The conservative frowned at these style, but the young carried out their policy.
Markowitz wrote, "To wear a short skirt or, in the case of male, tight brocade bell-bottoms was to say that one was young and sexy and did not give a damn about old-fashioned mores- and was, no doubt, into the new rock and roll"(The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Rock History. Vol 3. 124).

The brand Mary Quant and the model Twiggy were symbols of this era.
Mary Quant made colored stockings, long boots, a ribbed sweater and hot pants famous.
Twiggy was very thin girl as its name suggested(twig=a small, very thin branch). She was totally opposite from the general ideal of woman in those days, which was glamorous or well-filled-out body. While she had boyish hairstyle and slim body, she wore long eyelashes.
It might be a radical movement that people broke a wall of gender.

Talking about men, their clothes became colorful, flower or paisley patterned, and sometimes decorated with lace. The hem of pants were flared.
Tommy Nutter was the famous brand making suits. In the jacket of "Abbey Road", John, Paul and Ringo wore its suits.
Some features of swinging London was inherited by Mods style.
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