The young watched this program and imitated favorite bands' style. TV program played a vital role that music influenced fashion.
*The Beatles*

Their hairstyle gatherd attention from the world. Both "mop top" cut in early days and long hair in latter were followed by the young.
Also The Beatles made Cuban-heeled ankle-high leather boots famous.

In latter work, they became psychedelic. It was challenging that men wore bright color suit and grew their hair. Their style in those days were followed by hippies.

About Beatles, see also Swinging London and Mods.
*The Rolling Stones*

According to Markowitz, Roliing Stones made these impacts(129).
-Floppy hats
-Long scarves
-Tight, patterned T-shirts
-Body-hugging trousers
-Brocade Vests
-Frock coats

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